3/29/2019 12:00:00 AM Taxing the sharing economy By Slaughter and May In 2017 the OECD asked a group (made up of the UK and Italian tax authorities) to look at how countries could ensure that income from the...
3/28/2019 12:00:00 AM eLeniency efficiency By Slaughter and May Imagine a windowless room in Brussels where hordes of junior lawyers sit and quietly (but clearly) dictate statements into a microphone. ...
3/26/2019 12:00:00 AM Digitalisation of Tax: International Perspectives By Zoe Andrews A recent ICAEW report looks at how the digital revolution continues to impact tax administration by comparing the approaches of 12...
3/26/2019 12:00:00 AM How can legal tech help improve access to justice? By Slaughter and May In the digital age that we live in, the historic workings of the UK courts and lack of public education relating to dispute resolution...
3/21/2019 12:00:00 AM CMA pursues #transparency for consumers across digital markets By Slaughter and May Upon becoming a mother, I discovered a whole new world (aka fell into the rabbit hole) of mummy bloggers and vloggers who are happy to...
3/19/2019 12:00:19 PM Could AI predict your future health? By Slaughter and May Healthcare continues to be a major focus for AI research and investment, from detecting and diagnosing disease to formulating new...
3/18/2019 12:08:26 PM International tax reform: marketing intangibles proposal attracts support By Zoe Andrews The "marketing intangibles" proposal has emerged from the OECD's public consultation discussions as the most likely of the OECD's...
3/14/2019 10:29:58 AM EU scraps digital tax plan: all eyes now on the OECD By Slaughter and May On 12 March 2019, EU governments dropped plans to introduce an EU-wide digital tax. Despite months of talks, the Member States failed to...
3/14/2019 12:00:00 AM Reset on merger assessment and control over data - keys for unlocking digital competition By Slaughter and May You won't be alone if you haven't managed to keep up with the panoply of recent reports, recommendations, and proposals for reform...
3/13/2019 5:41:01 PM Blockchain, meet GDPR: thought leadership from Slaughter and May and Cravath By Slaughter and May A team of our data privacy experts have collaborated with leading Wall Street firm Cravath, Swaine & Moore to produce a highly topical...
3/12/2019 7:59:44 PM International tax system and digitalisation: time to think long-term By Slaughter and May Last week, the French finance minister introduced a bill for a 3% levy on the turnover of digital services companies with revenues of...
3/12/2019 12:00:00 AM Taking the pulse: what we can learn from the latest FTSE 350 Cyber Health Check By Natalie Donovan The Government’s latest annual cyber health check gives a mixed report of how the UK’s leading companies are prioritising and managing...
3/11/2019 2:18:44 PM Talking legal tech in Hong Kong By Emma Walton I have just returned from a trip to Hong Kong, working closely with our lawyers and clients to explore ways in which we can continue to...
3/8/2019 5:58:59 PM Is the law ready for visual communication? ¯\(ツ)/¯ By Slaughter and May A picture speaks a thousand words, that much is well-known. What might be slightly harder to discern is exactly which words are being...
3/8/2019 12:00:00 AM Women, collaboration and innovation By Billie Moore At Slaughter and May we are celebrating International Women’s Day 2019 via an exhibition that celebrates the centenary of the Sex...
3/7/2019 2:56:26 PM France's tech tax provokes outrage By Slaughter and May The French finance minister has brought forward legislation to introduce (retrospectively from 1 January) a 3% digital services tax to be...